Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Here I am

If you're reading this, I really appreciate it. I was a bit hesitant in starting this blog, but I feel compelled to do so even if I come off as a fool. The thing is, I have thoughts (crazy, I know). Sometimes these thoughts just can't be contained, yet there has never been an outlet other than my dear old journal. But what benefit does a journal have if left on a shelf for ages? It's not that I think that my thoughts are grand or superior, I just believe they're not for me to hoard.

In starting this blog, I hope that one person, just one, may gain a little wisdom, a little truth, a little life. That goes to say that this isn't just for believers, as most of you know I am. I want this to be an open forum for anyone to extract from my brain why I believe what I believe or where I stand on different subjects. This takes a lot of vulnerability on my part, and guess what? I hate being vulnerable. But more than my loathing of vulnerability, I believe it to be of upmost importance to be real and raw, especially being a believer. I enjoy writing, therefor I should write, its as simple as that. I believe the Lord gives us certain desires not to throw away or hide, but to bring to the world. Clearly I'm not the next C.S. Lewis, but if I'm not going to share my thoughts, who is? I believe the time has come to overcome our fears and insecurities and pursue the things that we desire, otherwise our world will be dull and bland. I think you'll be amazed at the life you will start to create in the world around you.

So with that said, if you've read to the end you're incredible. Also, I've started a formspring. If you don't know what that is, it's just a website where you can anonymously ask me questions. So please ask anything your little heart desires and I'll do my best to respond to those questions that you're just itching to ask.


  1. I love you miss Jo! I want to see you again and hang out. I love this idea and I think this blog is going to be amaaazing! Consider me your first comment, and first follower. You are amazing beautiful. xo

  2. Okay, I realized the link to formspring didn't work, but now its back in action. So have a go :)
